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Kenneth Michael Guitars
stewmac fret templates zero fret
Atlanta Guitar Works School of Building.
Welcome to StewMac! For over 40 years we've supplied the world's instrument makers and repair shops from right here in Athens, Ohio. We offer the widest selection of
Is there a specific tool that can help with fret spacing. Im getting ready to build I have one but it is only one of three built See here. Otherwise use a rule
Shooting board for guitar fret slots and.
The Fret Rocker can find the problem frets that are causing a buzz. See why you need the 4 lengths on the Fret Rocker to find frets that are too high or too low.
Repairman/author Dan Erlewine demonstrates the customized Guitar Repair Vise from Stewart-MacDonald.
From Dan Erlewine's shop: a make-it-yourself solution for fast, accurate 90 degree cuts on your table saw. Also a cool tip on making bendy, flexible cauls
stewmac fret templates zero fret
STEWMAC.COM : Guitar Parts, Bass, Banjo,. Philtone Guitar Company - Measuring Fret. STEWMAC.COM : Guitar Fretwire, Fretting.STEWMAC: Guitar Repair Vise - YouTube